
SCKSF 2010 / REPORT from Saturday / PHOTOS by MING

SANTA CRUZ KAYAKSURF FESTIVAL 10 / REPORT de Sábado / Fotos de Ming Farthing

Chris Hobson
Mais um report com fotos fresquinhas de sábado. As imagens são de Ming e as tabelas, foram fotografadas pelo telefone de Geoff Jennings. Pelos heats já antevemos uma grande surfada: Mathieu Babarit e Steve Farthing. Muito bom ;)
One more report directly from Santa Cruz. Thanks to Ming's photos and results by Geoff Jennings. As we can see by the heats, one great comp will be between Mathieu Babarit and Steve Farthing. Let's wait for the news!


Photo by Geoff Jennings

Photo by Geoff Jennings


Dave Speller


Boas ondas!

luis pedro abreu

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