
KAYAKSURF / Beach Sports Meeting in Argentina

II Encontro de Desportos de Praia / Mar de Plata, Argentina

Decorreu de 17 a 19 deste mês na praia de Waikiki em Mar de Plata, Argentina, a segunda edição dos Encontros de Desportos de Praia. O evento conta com várias modalidades e, claro, o kayaksurf lá esteve com toda a força do Kayaksurf Argentina. Os kayaks estiveram presentes na classes HP e SOT mas as finais ainda não se disputaram por falta de ondas. Entretanto, aqui ficam as fotos de Hugo Grassi e, em breve, o report completo de Gabriel Landini com muito mais fotos.

It ran last 17th and 19th of this month in Waikiki Beach, Mar de Plata, Argentina, the second edition of the Beach Sports Meeting. The event includes several wave sports and, of course, kayaksurf was fully represented by Kayaksurf Argentina. Two classes on the water - HP and SOT - but the finals were not realized due the lack of waves. Soon, full report by Gabrieal Landini. Meanwhile, some photos of Hugo Grassi. Many others will be published with the results. Enjoy it!


Marcos Hugo Grassi


Gracias Gabriel e Hugo!

Boas ondas,
luis pedro abreu

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