
Waveski Portugal / Francisco Saraiva near by Santa Cruz

Francisco Saraiva numa grande direita algures perto de Santa Cruz

Photo by YAKO

O "homem do waveski" torna a surpreender ;) Enviou-nos esta foto na passada semana e só nos disse ao telefone... imagina o Mundial de Waveski com ondas destas!!! Fica a foto para abrir o apetite ;) Pode ver mais imagens eleitas para a nossa galeria 2011 clicando

Francisco Saraiva is the most traveled waveski rider in Portugal. He already surfed in several countries and participated in the last world championship (Australia 2009). Francisco also has a waveski school and sent us last week this incredible photo. He's surfing somewhere near by Santa Cruz (the place where will run next waveski worlds in Portugal this year). Check out the photo and, to see more images on our gallery click



Thanks Francisco!

Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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