
Waveski Argentina / Gabriel Landini confirmed in Waveski Surfing Titles Portugal

Gabriel Landini / Kayaksurf & Waveski Argentina / Confirmado no Mundial ;)

É o homem forte da Bad Machine Kayaks e está confirmdo no Mundial de Waveski. Alguns pormenores "logísticos" estão ainda a ultimar-se. Entretanto, foto fesquinhas com Gabriel, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, a surfar em Mar de Plata.

He's the front man of Bad Machine Kayaks, Argentina. He's confirmed for the Waveski Worlds in Portugal but, meanwhile, check out these photos taken last month in Mar de Plata. Gabriel is also from our NEWS TEAM. Enjoy it!



Gracias Gabriel e até Santa Cruz!

Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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