
Len Kelleher / Kayaksurf in Japan

KAYAKSURF no Japão com Len Kelleher

Len Kelleher é o irlandês que, surpreendentemente, ganhou o Mundial de Kayaksurf 2007 em IC no País Basco. Está agora a trabalhar no Japão e, claro, o kayaksurf continua a ser a sua paixão. Volta e meia envia-nos uns vídeos do outro lado do mundo. Aqui fica mais um com a crónica assinada pelo próprio.

Len Kelleher, World IC Kayaksurc Champion 2007 (Basque Coutry Worlds), is working in Japan. Once in a while, he sends us great videos from that part of the world. Here stays one more more with full report from Lenny. Enjoy it ;)


Surf spots are Sunabe Seawall and Kin outer reef

All the video footage is from three different surf session. Last week there were two Typhoons that went straight over okinawa. The winds were very strong while the Typhoon was passing over this small island, but the waves before and after the storm were fantastic. It was a perfect time to really test out my new Random Evolution that I got from Darren Bason earlier this year. I never thought I would like a HP boat as much. I am an IC man myself, but since I have been riding the Evo I have been converted into a HP man. The surf has died down now over this side of the world. Snorkeling and triathlon training will be taking place until the next storm/swell hits Okinawa.



Thanks Len!


Boas ondas!

luis pedro abreu

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