
US Surfkayak National Championships 2010 / Basque Country Team Confirmed ;)

7 a 10 de Outubro / Campeonato Norte Americano de Kayaksurf / Selecção Basca presente!

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É uma notícia "dois e um". Joey Hall, NEWS TEAM EUA, Costa Este, envia-nos o convite para mais uma prova do Campeonato Norte Americano de Kayaksurf e, quase ao mesmo tempo, Edu Etxeberria confirma-nos a presença da Selecção Basca de Kayaksurf no evento. De acordo com Edu, nada melhor do que conhecer previamente o spot onde irá decorrer o Mundial 2011! Bem pensado... aqui ficam as últimas!

Two informations about the same event! The entries for the US Surf Kayak National Championships and the confirmation os the Basque Country Kayaksurf Team in the event. According to Edu Etxeberria - "It will be a great opportunity to surf in the same spots where will run the Worlds 2011". All the best for the event Joey - NEWS TEAM USA-East kayaksurf.net - and also a great stay in USA for all the basques ;)


Registration for 2010 US Nationals at OBX
The registration is up for the 2010 US Surf Kayak National Championships

(CLICK on the image)

First class is $55, each additional class will be $30. Register for one class, then you will have the option to register for another, you will be discounted for each additional class.

This registration form is for the National Championships portion of our 4 day Oct 7-10 event. The Men, Women, and Junior HP classes will also be counted towards World Cup points. US East paddlers will also gain credit towards US East team trials and team selection. The junior entry fee is only 20 dollars, to encourage their participation. We are offering a waveski class for anyone interested using the same judges and criteria.

Active registration for Nationals is here:

If you are interested in participating in the Battle for Hatteras Event on Oct 7 and 8, please email me directly as I’ll be handling those registrations separately. Rules for B4H are here:


and if you already paid for an entry to the 2008 event that was canceled, that entry is still good. If anything on the Active registration is not working correctly, please contact me immediately, I tested it but there’s always a chance a setting is incorrect.

deadmanprd AT gmail DOT com


Seleccion de Euskadi de Kayaksuf na Copa del Mundo de kayaksurf Estados Unidos

La selección de Euskadi de Kayak Surf va asistir a la última prueba de la Copa del Mundo que se va celebrar en Estados Unido en la costa Este del 7 al 10 de Octubre, concretamente en el estado de Carolina del Norte en aguas del Atlántico. Esta prueba además de ser Copa del Mundo es a su vez Pre-Mundial, ya que el año que viene en ese mismo lugar se celebrara el Campeonato del Mundo de la misma especialidad.
Allí se desplazaran 6 integrantes del equipo de Euskadi 5 de ellos del R.C. Náutico de San Sebastián y uno del ATSS, con muchas posibilidades de alzarse con el título, entre ellos Ainhoa Tolosa una de las favoritas en la categoría femenina, Urko Otxoa que se proclamo vencedor en el Mundial del 2009 y Edu Etxeberria que tiene claras opciones a revalidar el título de la Copa del Mundo que está en su haber. Entre ellos los acompañan Garazi Iturralde, Julen Arrizabalaga como único Junior y Xabi Olano con una muy buena puntuación de cara al tramo final del Campeonato.

Selección Euskadi de Kayaksurf


Just to remember ;)

All the best Joey and Spence ;)

WAVESKI & Surfkayaks Shaper

Boas ondas!

luis pedro abreu

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