WCSK11 / Kayaksurf Worlds / Basque Country Champions
Mundial de Kayaksurf / País Basco com três campeões mundiais
photos by oskar martinez
Depois de ter sido sagrada Campeã do Mundo por equipas, a selecção basca ainda conseguiu rechear mais o lote de troféus ao ver três dos seus atletas ganharem nas respectivas categorias - Luis Abando, Edu Etxeberria e Julen Arrizabalaga. Sete atletas bascos estiveram nas finais individuais... muito bom. Parabéns!
What an event for Basque Country! After being World Champs as Team, the basques won more three first places in this World Champsionships - Luis Abando, Edu Etxeberria e Julen Arrizabalaga. They had seven athletes in the individual finals. Congratulations!!
World Championships of Surf Kayaking USA 2011
The World Team Champ Basque Country won in the individual event:
Three 1st places + Two 2nd places + One 3rd place
Julen Arrizabalaga Junior Short World Champion
Luis Abando Grand Master Short World Champion
Ainhoa Tolosa – 2nd Women Long, IC
Garazi Iturralde Women Short 3rd in World Championship
Julen Seco Junior Long World Subchampion, 2nd Junior IC
Boas ondas,
luis pedro abreu
photos by oskar martinez
Depois de ter sido sagrada Campeã do Mundo por equipas, a selecção basca ainda conseguiu rechear mais o lote de troféus ao ver três dos seus atletas ganharem nas respectivas categorias - Luis Abando, Edu Etxeberria e Julen Arrizabalaga. Sete atletas bascos estiveram nas finais individuais... muito bom. Parabéns!
What an event for Basque Country! After being World Champs as Team, the basques won more three first places in this World Champsionships - Luis Abando, Edu Etxeberria e Julen Arrizabalaga. They had seven athletes in the individual finals. Congratulations!!
World Championships of Surf Kayaking USA 2011
The World Team Champ Basque Country won in the individual event:
Three 1st places + Two 2nd places + One 3rd place
Julen Arrizabalaga Junior Short World Champion
Luis Abando Grand Master Short World Champion
Ainhoa Tolosa – 2nd Women Long, IC
Garazi Iturralde Women Short 3rd in World Championship
Julen Seco Junior Long World Subchampion, 2nd Junior IC
Boas ondas,
luis pedro abreu
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