
Kayaksurf Sweden in Portugal / Get in touch with aterra.se

Mais uma surf trip até ao nosso país com o apoio... WATERTECH ;)

Photo: Erik Sjöstedt / http://www.kajak.nu/

Mais uma! Eles vêm de Israel, Itália, França, País Basco, Bulgária, Irlanda e agora... Suécia. Em comum, todos partilham uma marca nacional: Watertech. Gostam, compram e visitam o nosso país ;) Leif Davidsson está a organizar mais uma viagem para surfar em Portugal. Será de 25 de Novembro a 3 de Dezembro com passagem por Aveiro, claro (loja da W). Bem vindos!
One more surf trip till Portugal! We already had several surfkayakers and waveski riders in Portugal with the support of Watertech. They came from Israel, Italy, France, Basque Country, Ireland, Bulgary and now... Sweden. They like the portuguese brand and they visit our country as well ;) Leif Davidsson is organizing this trip. It will be from November 25th till Dezember 3rd. More information below. Welcome!


Come with Surf Kayak Sweden to a week of fantastic kayak surfing in Portugal
Date 25/11 - 3/12

Participants: max 8
Tour plan:
25/11 Travel.
26/11 First surfday
1/12 Last surfday 6 days surf
2/12 Back to Aveiro
3/12 Fly home

We plan to be at the Peniche area. More info about the spots is here: http://magicseaweed.com/

You can choose to rent kayak, or take your own kayak with you. You can also participate in our surfcourses.

For moore information please contact me at info@aterra.se

Leif Davidsson

Thanks and welcome Leif ;)

Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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