Depois do anúncio do mais recente MEGA - o SCARAB -, chega-nos agora a primeira crítica. Glyn Brackenbury testou este novo SCARAB - que mais não é do que um Nuetron XXL - e adorou! Agora, não há desculpas para que os mais pesados não surfem num MEGA!
As fotos são de Malcolm Pearcey.
"The Scarab from Mega is the middle child of the Tron family. Larger than a Neutron, smaller than a Megatron, it fits perfectly those paddlers who find the initial stability of the Neutron too twitchy but are put off by the length and size of the Megatron.
Having owned both this boats siblings I thought I knew exactly how the Scarab would feel. It has obvious similarities with the other boats, the seating position feels very Neutron with the narrower cockpit and thigh position, but sat still on the water it feels much more like the Megatron through its stability and ease of paddling. On the wave though my initial thoughts were proved completely wrong. This boat has a character all of its own, its loose, really loose for a boat capable of comfortably carrying my rather large frame, so much so that I had to compare it closely to my Megatron to see why it behaved so differently. The curve of the rail is much more aggressive with no flat spots any where along it; giving you the opportunity to carve some really tight bottom turns. The fin cluster is further back with the two outside fins almost on the rail and toed in which significantly loosens the boat. Although these changes are really subtle they’ve made such a difference to how this boat reacts on a wave. This boat is perfect for those people who want to go out and have fun in the surf. It’s big enough to be comfortable to sit out back for hours, without being on a permanent brace, but small enough to hit the lip and throw down some huge airs. Fat boy performance, now that’s what I’m talking about.
P.S Landed my first barrel roll in it. Anybody want to buy a Megatron!"
Glyn Brackenbury
Boas ondas!
luis pedro abreu