
WCSK11 / Kayaksurf Worlds 2011 in good hands ;)

O português Paulo Schmidt chefia os juízes no Mundial de Kayaksurf nos EUA

André, Jackie and Schmidt by kayaksurf.net

Já são caras bem conhecidas no nosso meio. Na foto de cima, André Delgado (que está neste momento no EuroSurf 2011 na Irlanda), Jackie Dillon (presidente da Ass. Mundial de Waveski) e Paulo Schmidt (habitual Chefe de Juízes no Ocean Spirit Festival juntamente com Nuno "Fera" Gomes). Ora, enquanto André está a ajuizar na Irlanda, Paulo Schmidt está a chefiar os juízes no Mundial de Kayaksurf dos EUA.

Recorde-se que, tanto André como Schmidt, dirigiram o Mundial de Kayaksurf 2009 nas respectivas áreas e, uma vez mais, é com muito gosto que vemos esta equipa de trabalho a ser reconhecida além fronteiras. O André já dirigiu tecnicamente várias provas do CNKW e é o responsável pela elaboração no nosso ranking. Paulo Schmidt acumula também as mesmas experiências no nosso circuito mas, logicamente, na direcção de juízes.

Parabéns para ambos!! O kayaksurf.net deseja-vos um excelente trabalho... como habitualmente o desempenham ;)

Paulo Schmidt is in USA directing the judges team and André Delgado is in Ireland judging in the EuroSurf in Bundoran. They are both regular presences in our kayaksurf & waveski competitions in their working areas. Congratulations for both! Besides being very good friends, they are excellent professional in their activities. For both, kayaksurf.net wishes al the best in USA and Ireland!




Boas ondas!

luis pedro abreu


WCSK11 / Kayaksurf Worlds 2011 / Day 1 by Denzil Pearce

Fotos do primeiro dia de Prova do Mundial de Kayaksurf EUA 2011

São da autoria de um colaborador regular do kayaksurf.net - Denzil Pearce. O inglês enviou-nos uma pequena amostra do primeiro dia de competição nos EUA. Mais em baixo, o slide-show. Swell pequeno com todos a tentarem tirar o máximo proveito. Fica a curiosidade de cada uma das fotos seleccionadas apresentar uma marca diferente de surfkayaks ;)

Here some photos that Denzil Pearce - regular kayaksurf.net collaborator - sent us directly from USA. These images show some waves on the first day of the competition. Small swell with all the athletes searching for the maximum tricks as possible ;) Just a curiosity: these first photos show all different surfkayak brands. Below, the SLIDE-SHOW. Enjoy it!


Denzil Pearce

Mega Surfkayaks

Watertech Kayaks

Valley Kayaks

Future Kayaks

Murky Water

Random Kayaks

Thanks Denzil!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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CNKW11 / SOT Class / Video by Costa da Morte Kayaksurf

Vídeo da FINAL SOT / CNKW11 by Jose Piñeiro

Foi um dos heats mais disputados do dia ;) Gonçalo Duarte levou a mehor e optou pelo RPF Master. Deu cartas e obteve um dos melhores scores da prova. O Master é baseado no RPF Shark mas contempla uma filosofia mais aproximada das longboards. Fica o vídeo de José Piñeiro, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net e Club Kayaksurf Galiza. Muito bom!!

It was one of the best heats of last weekend contest in Figueira da Foz, Portugal. Gonçalo Duarte won this class surfing a RPF Master and it was a comproved right option (yellow bigger kayak). The Master is like the RPF Shark but a little longer with the profile of a longboard sit-on-top. The video was sent by Jose Piñeiro, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net and Club Kayaksurf Galiza (Spain). Enjoy it!




Obrigado José!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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Kayaksurf Symposium / Denmark 2011

Simpósio de Kayaksurf na Dinamarca com a presença de Simon Hammond

O kayaksurf desponta na Dinamarca com várias iniciativas levadas a cabo pelo DKF (Dinamarca Kayak Surf). Casper Gyndelberg, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, envia-nos o report de mais um fim de semana onde as pagaias e os kayaks foram notícia. Tal como habitualmente, o DKF convida sempre um nome sonante da cena mundial para dar formação. Depois de Pete Belnkinsop, o convite caiu este ano no escocês Simon Hammond - autor do "Surf Kayak - Essential Guide". O evebto reuniu mais de 50 atletas oriundos da Dinamarca e Suécia. Fica o report!

Last weekend in September opened the Kayaksurf Denmark up for this year's big Surf Symposium in Cold Hawaii. 50 surfkayakers from Denmark and Sweden were troops up with the x world champion Simon Hammond from United Kingdom. Casper Gyldenberg, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, sent us the full report with plenty of photos - links below. Enjoy it!!


Simon Hammond

Surf Symposium 2011 Denmark
by Casper Gyldenberg

The weekend kicked off Friday evening when people began to check into. In the evening, Simon Hammond held a lecture about the way to become world champion. There sat many, listening and dreaming at the top of the podium at the world championships in kayak surfing. Saturday morning went so loose in the waves in Klitmøller Cold Hawaii where the day was on workshops, and plenty of comfort among the participants.

Hen of the day watching the rescue helicopter dropped by to take aerial images of surfers in the water. Really cool to get some surf pictures from a different angle. Sunday was on the DKF Surf Raid, another kayak surf competition on Danish soil. It was the unofficial Danish championship so surfers from Sweden may well participate. The day went really well and there were many exciting race in today's competition and you could see that the surfers were much better than the competition last year.

First place went to Petter Like Berg, Sweden, second place went to Lars Larsson and third place went to Dane David Tetzschner.

This competition has given the Danes something to train for, it can not be true that the Swedes will come and take almost all podium places in Denmark championships.

See pictures from Surf Symposium on

See photos of DKF Surf Raid on

Thanks Casper!!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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WCSK11 / Kayaksurf Worlds 2011 by Steve Farthing

Mundial de Kayaksurf / 4º Report de Steve Farthing!

Sam Davenport by Random

Parece que o swell não está a ajudar na costa Este dos EUA... no dia de hoje (são menos cinco horas por lá em relação à nossa hora GMT) houve até protestos junto da organização. Neptuno tem que colaborar! Entretanto, parece que Sam Davenport está em grande forma. Fica mais um report recebido há minutos ;)

It seems that Neptune king is not working in USA East coast. Today, the swell was not so good but the event ran. Sam Davenport is in great shape and let's read one more report from Steve Farthing ;)


Worlds Kayaksurf 2011 / USA
Report 4

The event kicked off today with the team event, conditions were barely contestable but everyone made the most off what was on offer. One of the standouts of the day was Sam Davenport from the English team convincingly wining both his heats.

Some of the Rest of the World team which was prevented from entering following a dubious protest decided to explore the the coastline for waves and found a punchy little 2 footer 10 miles south of the comp site.

Looks like we're back to the team event tomorrow here's hoping the surf picks up. Irish stew tonight, I think I'm becoming Irish. Until tomorrow. In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina.


Edu Etxeberria by Russ Buskirk

Darren Bason by Random


Thanks Steve!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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WCSK11 / Kayaksurf Worlds 2011 by Steve Farthing & Corin King

Mundial de Kayaksurf / 3º Report de Steve Farthing

É mais um report da nossa NEWS TEAM de luxo directinho dos EUA. Steve Farthing escreve e Corin King filma. Malditos mosquitos!! Querem saber mais? É só ler o report. Enjoy it!

One more report from our deluxe NEWS TEAM. Steve writes and Corin films ;) Dam mosquitoes!!! Read the report and know why. Enjoy it!!


World Championships of Surf Kayaking 2011
Report 3 by Steve Farthing

Mosquitoes will eat you alive in the carpark if you don't spray, just ask Paddy (potty) King, one scary place. Well the surf was pretty average today. I left it to the young guys to get their quota instead. Official things kicked off, boats were checked and the boys were getting the tape measures out. The team march started at 5 pm and the bloody mozzies came at us again arrrgghhhh. Official speeches were had followed by drinks and dinner at a terrific venue at Jennettes Pier.

Team delegates had their meeting and went on into the evening and was good to air everything out on the first night. The team event will start tomorrow, conditions will be small but improving in the next few days. Can't wait for some surfing action.

Steve reporting from the pier, Carolina on my mind

Thanks guys!!


Boas ondas!

luis pedro abreu

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WCSK11 / England Team on the Worlds Surfkayak 2011

Equipa Inglesa no Mundial de Kayaksurf 2011

Eles aí estão! A maior "embaixada" de atletas no Mundial de Kayaksurf que está a decorrer nos EUA. São nomes e caras vem conhecidas por aqui e, claro, vão dar que falar nas ondas. Boa sorte!!

Here they are! The biggest team in USA Worlds 2011. England is there with very well known names and we're sure that they'll be on fire during the competition ;) Below, you can click and visit England's Surfkayak website where will also be updated their news.

The team has been sponsored by Reed Chillcheater www.chillcheater.com and is supported by www.surfkayakskills.com

Thanks for the info Marc!! Good luck!!




Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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CNKW11 / Figueira da Foz by Ricardo Fernandes & Sónia Reis

Mais fotos do passado fim de semana na Figueira da Foz by Ricardo Fernandes & Sónia Reis

Ricardo Fernandes

Depois de Paulo Jesus, Gustavo Baeta e João Vaz, tempo para mais uma colecção de fotos sobre a III Prova do Circuito Nacional de Kayaksurf e Waveski que decorreu no fim de semana passado na Figueira da Foz. Mais em baixo o link para todo o álbum. Enjoy it!

One more album about the kayaksurf & waveski final contest in Portugal. After this event, will be published the 2011 circuit winners. Below, the link for all the albun. Enjoy it!!


Ricardo Fernandes
& Sónia Reis

José Piñeiro

Miguel Carvalho


Obrigado Ricardo e Sónia!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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Kayaksurf Worlds 2011 USA / 2nd Report from Steve Farthing + Videos

Mundial de Kayaksurf / 2º Report de Steve Farthing + Primeiros Vídeos

Luxo! Vídeos assegurados por Corin King (Campeão Mundial Junior Kayaksurf IC 2009) e Darren Bason com reports de Steve Farthing (Campeão Mundial de Kayaksurf HP Masters 2009 e Waveski Masters 2011). Fica o segundo report com o primeiro vídeo directinho dos EUA!

GREAT!! Corin King (Kayaksurf IC Junior World Champ 2009) will send us all the videos from USA Kayaksurf Worlds and Steve Farthing (Kayaksurf HP Masters World Champ 2009 and Waveski World Champ Masters 2011), will keep us informed with the usual reports. This second report also have the contribution of Darren Bason and his first Random Video ;) What a awesome team! Take a look to the 2nd report and check the vids!


World Championships of Surf Kayaking 2011
Steve Farthing report

What's the "Craig"? Well if your Irish that would be "what's up". Irish slang is another language altogether and when your hanging out with the King family you have to learn fast. Well my new buddies finally made it here at 1am after an epic journey from Washington but in true Irish fashion they just laugh it off as another funny adventure.

Caught up with Chris Hobson and Sam Davenport today who'd scored a few good waves south of the comp site. Korin, Jake and myself also got a few small ones in front of the motel. Surf was smaller today but the weekend is still looking good. I heard on the grape vine that the Basque team have arrived and were tearing up the comp site today along with Stefano and Gabriel from Italy. All the action will start on Friday can't wait.

Reporting from Nags Head, North Carolina,


Thanks Steve, Darren and Corin|


Boas ondas!

luis pedro abreu

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WCSK11 / Kayaksurf Worlds 2011 USA by Shota Onishi

Mundial de Kayaksurf / Report by Shota Onishi

André Pinto

Aqui está a primeira foto de André Pinto nos EUA!! Shota Onishi, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, envia-nos estas fotos tiradas ontem numa sessão de treino. O Japão vai participar com três atletas. Boa sorte!

It's the firts photo of the portuguese Andre Pinto in the World Championships of Surf Kayaking, USA 2011. Shota Onishi, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, sent us his firat report with some photos of a training session yesterday. Japan will participate with three athletes! Good luck!!


Shota Onishi

Thanks Shota!!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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