Dennis Judson / photo:
Já vai na sua histórica 24ª edição... é o mais emblemático e popular festival do mundo de kayaksurf. Dennis Judson, lenda californiana na promoção dos desportos de ondas, organiza e promove o Festival com a sua empresa "Adventure Sports Unlimited". O acompanha particularmente este festival desde que foi criado e, para nosso contentamento, fomos convidados a figurar na lista de apoiantes do evento. Claro que aceitámos!! Dennis já nos enviou o convite com as datas fixas do evento e, mais lá para a frente, aqui teremos o cartaz do Festival. Para já, podem recordar a cobertura que fizemos das edições de 2006, 07, 08 e 09 (basta clicar nos cartazes mais em baixo). Até ao momento, o SCKSF 2010 conta com os seguintes apoios - ver AQUI.
It's THE Kayaksurf Festival and in 2010, will run it's 24th edition! Dennis Judson and his great "Adventure Sports Unlimited" organizes the event. Below you can check our reports since 2006 and the newsletter from Dennis. This edition will count with as Media Partner. You can check HERE all the supporters till now.
24th Annual Santa Cruz Kayak Surf Festival, March 26th-28th, 2010
Paddle Powered Surfers,
There is new energy in the oceans of our planet; the Worlds Surf Kayaking Championships in Portugal was a success even though it occurred in a somewhat inopportune time for many summer employed athletes caught in an economic downturn, the East Coast will feature the next worlds so the US will be out in force, and the new WCSKC, , is rolling with a whole new series of events to bring more athletes into the fold.
We, the Santa Cruz Kayak Surf Kayaking Committee, would like to throw the next grand event into the mix. March 26th-28th, Steamer Lane, that internationally acclaimed break is reserved for the 24th Annual Santa Cruz Kayak Surf Festival. We will have the usual classes plus some new categories in Expert Plastic Production to attract those skilled standing wave magicians into the ultimate aquatic energy source, Stand-up will be expanded due to the popularity of the sport and a common karma with kayak surfing, and Galen, our representative to all things academic will refocus his College Surf Kayak Challenge bringing new elements into the sport of paddle powered surfing.
Registration will be open on our web at , starting January 15th, 2010. We will send a seating list by December 30 for those who finished in top places in the 2009 SCKSF. Keep your mind on 6 to 10 foot glassy faces-get ready to rock and roll!
Dennis Judson
Marketing Agent for Adventure Sports Unlimited
And Host of the Santa Cruz Kayak Surf Festival
CLICK em baixo e reveja os reports / CLICK below and review our reports from last editions