
Brazil / Paddle Surf Meeting, Bertioga, S.Paulo by BGF

1º Encontro de Surf a Remo por Bruno Guazzelli Filho

Fica mais um report de Bruno Guazzelli Filho, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, sobre o primeiro encontro de surf a remo em Bertioga. Kayaks, pranchas, waveskis... tudo para um fim de semana divertido nas ondas ;)

One more report about the 1st paddle surf meeting in Bertioga, Brazil. Bruno Guazzelli Filho, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, reports for us. Surfkayaks, boards, waveskis... and, above all, a great day in the waves ;)


1º Encontro de Surf a Remo

por Bruno Guazzelli Filho

O domingo do Encontro de Surf a Remo na Riviera de São Lourenço em Bertioga foi um lindo dia de sol e não faltou curtição nas ondas, que chegaram até 1 metro nas maiores séries do dia.

Dentre a galera do surf a remo estiveram presentes os Kayaksurfers, os Waveskiers e os Stand Upers, e todos puderam conferir a novidade que tanto se comentava, o Shark Paddle Surf.

Até os cadeirantes presentes no Programa Praia Acessível puderam desfrutar não só do sabor de um banho de mar nas cadeiras anfíbias cedidas pela PMB e pelo Governo do Estado de SP, mas também o sabor de correr as ondas num caiaque duplo com cadeiras adaptadas, tudo para o maior conforto e segurança deles. Foi um dia inesquecível para este pessoal que declarou jamais terem se imaginado passear num caiaque duplo naquele lindo cenário e mais ainda, surfar aquelas ondas, deixando aquele gostinho de "quero mais" a todos eles. Realmente foi pra não sair mais da memória de quem presenciou estes momentos emocionantes supervisionados por profissionais da Therácqua Terapia Aquática, além de salva-vidas, surfistas de plantão e Terapeutas Ocupacionais da AVAPE de São Bernardo do Campo.

Os organizadores do evento agradecem o apoio da CBCa, RPF Kayaks, Board House Surf & Skate, Kayaksurf.net, Focosurf.com.br, Caiaker Caiaques, Tombo Beach, Roots Brazil Acessories, Multiarq Comunicação Visual, Escola de Surf Cantão e um agradecimento especial à cobertura efetiva da Rota dos Tubos Videoprodutora, TV Tribuna Santos e Tablas TV.

Obrigado a todos e até breve, pois falta menos de um mês para a Primeira Etapa do Circuito Brasileiro de Canoagem Onda 2011 que será realizada em Fortaleza-CE, dias 21 e 22 de maio na Praia do Futuro.

Valeeeu Galeeera !!!


Bruno Guazzelli Filho

Obrigado Bruno!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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Kayaksurf & Waveski Portugal / CNKW11

Exposição Kayaksurf no Vivaci das Caldas da Rainha / Report da abertura oficial

photos by ESDRM

Bom, já sabemos que para a semana todas as pagaias se reúnem na Foz do Arelho. É a primeira prova do Circuito deste ano. Entretanto, e para abrir o apetite, fica o convite para a exposição patente no centro comercial Vivaci das Caldas da Rainha. A abertura oficial foi nesta sexta ao fim da tarde e contou com a presença do Director do Centro Comercial Vivaci Dr. Ricardo Pena, Director de Marketing do Vivaci Dr. Tiago, pela CM Rio Maior, Dra Isaura, pela CM C.Rainha, Dr. Tinta Ferreira e ainda a Directora da ESDRM, Prof Dra Rita Santos Rocha.

A equipa anfitriã era constituída pelos alunos do 3º Ano da Licenciatura em Desporto de Natureza e Turismo Activo na especialização de Desportos Aquáticos e, claro, pelo Director da Prova, Henrique Frazão. Ficam algumas fotos e, mais em baixo, o press release.

It's the first contest of the portuguese kayaksurf & waveski circuit. Besides the event that will take place next weekend, the organization also invites us to visit the photo exposition about kayaksurf & waveski. This show is in a comercial center of Caldas da Rainha city. Check the phtos of the premiere of this friday. Great work ;)

CNKW11 / Foz do Arelho

A Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, através dos alunos do 3º Ano da Licenciatura em Desporto de Natureza e Turismo Activo na especialização de Desportos Aquáticos, em colaboração com a Federação Portuguesa de Canoagem e o Centro Comercial VIVACI das Caldas da Rainha apresentam a I Etapa do Circuito Nacional de Kayaksurf e Waveski 2011 na Foz do Arelho nos próximos dias 7 e 8 de Maio.

Mais informações em:


Fica o calendário com mais eventos para 2011:

* I Etapa do CNKW – 07 e 08 de Maio – Foz do Arelho
* 11 de Junho – Figueira da Foz Session – Evento não competitivo
* II Etapa do CNKW - 06 e 07 de Agosto – Santa Cruz (Ocean Spirit)
* 08 a 14 de Agosto – Campeonato do Mundo de Waveski / Waveski Worlds 2011
* III Etapa do CNKW - 24 e 25 de Setembro – Figueira da Foz


ATENÇÃO aos atletas:
As inscrições realizadas após o dia 05.05.2011 terão um valor acrescido de € 5,00


Excelente trabalho ;)

Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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kayaksurf & Waveski / NEW Interview / A.P. Mattei in Pororoca Wave

Alexandre Pierre-Mattei / Pororoca Trip

photo by bruno alves

Fotos de luxo, relato intenso e vídeos pelo meio... um grande report de Alexandre Pierre-Mattei, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net. Imperdível. Link mais em baixo.

Awesome photos, great report and plenty of videos. Alexandre Pierre-Mattei, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, reports for us his great adventures in Pororoca Wave, Brasil. Check it out... link below.



Obrigado e parabéns Alex!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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Kayaksurf Argentina / Santas Olas Festival 2011 / Report by Gabriel Landini

Festival Santas Olas / Argentina / Report de Gabriel Landini

Decorreu de 22 a 24 de Abril em Mar de Plata, Argentina, mais uma edição do Santas Olas Festival. O evento conta com kayaksurf, waveski e SOT. Ao todo, 45 inscritos e um fim de semana em grande ;) Fica o report de Gabriel Landini, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net e um dos organizadores do evento.

It took place from 22 till 24 April in Mar de Plata, Argentina. It was one more edition of the great Santas Olas Festival. This event counts with kayaksurf, waveski and SOT. Gabriel Landini, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net and one of the organizers of the event, sent us the full report ;)


Hugo Grassi

REPORT by Gabriel Landini

El campeonato Argentino de kayak surf y waveski se llevo a cabo el 22/4/2011 en la ciudad de Mar del Plata en playa constitucion con la participacion de 45 inscriptos de distintas localidades como V Gessel - Pinamar - Necochea -G Madariaga que compitieron en 5 categorias de embarcaciones

Las Competencias se realizaron con el mar en inmejorables condiciones con olas de 1 a 1.2 mts y de muy buena forma que se mantuvieron a lo largo de todo el dia

Los mejores competidores se dieron cita desde muy temprano con sus kayaks y le dieron el marco colorido y festivo de este campeonato

En esta ocacion se realizaron heat de hasta 10 competidores logrando asi un mayor dinamismo y mejor espectaculo lo cual hizo mas ardua la tarea de los jueces

Las empresas patrocinantes todas ellas relacionadas con la actividad desplegaron sus productos y novedades para todos los amantes y curiosos de este deporte
tambien entregaron importantes premios como chalecos salvavidas - remos - ropa tecnica y hasta 2 kayak para sortear entre los participantes; En esta oportunidad nos acompañaron INDICO surf shop - OPTITECH - NAUTICA LAFFONT - ATLANTIKAYAKS - PATAGONIANKAYAKS - FREEKY - ODISEA kayak store y KAYAKSURF .NET

Todas ellas hicieron posible junto a Andres y Lucas Rubiño video productora y Marcos Hugo Grassi fotografia y desde ya a inumerables personas anonimas que ayudaron en el montaje del evento y que les agradezco muchisimo su esfuerzo
Y a cada uno de los participantes que hacen crecer la actividad año a año, apoyando y compitiendo, para que podamos repetirlo en el 2012.

Los resultados son los siguientes

1º Blas Alabart
2º Jorge Anchorena
3º Martin Tripano

1º Jorge Anchorena - Ailen Alabart
2º Martin Tripano - Analia Ali
3º Blas Alabart - Lucas Demuria

1º Lucas Demuria
2º Gustavo krotsch
3º Adrian Olivera

1º Jorge anchorena
2º Gabriel Landini
3º Francisco Mas

1º Gabriel Landini
2º Carlos Jara
3º Diego Lopez

Some PHOTOS by Hugo Grassi

Enhorabuena Gabriel!!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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KAYAKSURF in Pororoca Wave with Roberta Borsari

Roberta Borsari / Mega Flying Squad / Primeira mulher a surfar de kayak a Pororoca

Roberta Borsari, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net e elemento da Mega Flying Squad, aventurou-se na poderosa onda da Pororoca amazónica. Bebeta é assim a primeira mulher a surfar a onda de kayak e, claro, o seu report será em breve publicado. Ficam as primeiras fotos da aventura e o relato de Bebeta em cima do acontecimento:

"Vivi uma das experiências mais marcantes, emocionante e diferente de tudo que já fiz no surf! Foram 8 dias embarcada no no rio Araguari com a equipe liderada pelo recordista mundial de tempo da onda na selva, o brasileiro Serginho Laus e acompanhada de surfistas extremamente experientes, utilizando prancha, longboard, stand up, alaya e claro, eu de caiaque! Foi a primeira vez de uma caiaque na maior das pororocas, de uma mulher surfando de caiaque na selva amazônica e também a maior variedade e equipamentos na mesma onda."

Esperem pelo report!! Em breve, nova matéria sobre a mesma onda!!

Roberta Borsari, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net and Mega Flying Squad, never stops ;) After Havaii in December, she surfed this month the powerfull Pororoca wave (Amazonia, Brasil). She was the first woman that surfed that wave with a surfkayak ;) Congratulations Bebeta and soon, full report will e published. For now, some photos just to check the adventure...


Fabio Paradise/Pulsar Imagens


Parabéns Bebeta!! Estamos à espera do full-report ;)


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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KAYAKSURF UK / 3rd Course by Steve Bowens

Kayaksurf UK / Mais uma formação sobre kayaksurf por Steve Bowens

Decorreu nos dias 9 e 10 de Abril e contou com quatro canoístas. O curso é de três estrelas - de acordo com as definições britânicas. Steve Bowens, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, foi o formador. Fica o report que nos enviou ;)

Four kayakers from the south west just completed their 3* Surf course with Steve Bowens (Falmouth Marine School), England. The group included: Mike McDonalad who is a students studying Marine Sport Science at Falmouth Marine School, Andrew Fowler from St Austell Canoe Club, Laura Williams and Martin Schneerberger who are from Elemental UK. Steve belongs to our NEWS TEAM and here is his report ;)


3* Surf kayak course on 9th / 10th April
report by Steve Bowens

4 kayakers from the south west just completed their 3* Surf course with Steve Bowens (Falmouth Marine School)

The group included: Mike McDonalad who is a students studying Marine Sport Science at Falmouth Marine School, Andrew Fowler from St Austell Canoe Club, Laura Williams and Martin Schneerberger who are from Elemental UK.

They all wanted to develop their skills in the surf so as they could feel confident to make the most of the fantastic beaches around Cornwall.

The courses run on the 9th & 10th April at Gwithian beach. The group met on Saturday morning over a mug of tea in the Sunset surf cafe to go through the 3* syllabus and set individual goals for the weekend. The goals ranged from improving top and bottom turns for Andrew to catching her first ever waves in a kayak for XXXXXXX

The group were blessed with warm sunshine and small perfectly formed surf for both days, everyone reached and superseded the goals they had set themselves and have set a new goal to take part in their first surf kayak contest this summer, so I can’t wait to see them all out there strutting their stuff.

Mike said “I am putting myself onto every course which I can through the marine school and pushing to gain as much as possible from the course. This weekend has really helped me to apply my board riding knowledge to kayak surfing and I loved every minute of it. I want to start to get out more in the surf in a kayak now and work on my action plan so as I can take part in the student surf kayak championships at the end of the month”.
(Ed this is on the 27th look here: http://kernowsurfkayakcontest.blogspot.com)

Steve Bowens said: “The 3 star surf course is a fantastic introduction to the sport of surf kayaking, these guys progressed so much over the two days and they were catching wave after wave and beaming from ear to ear on the second day. Falmouth Marine School are again running the student surf kayak championships on the 27th April and we now have 3 more contestants who will be there showing off their skills. The student championships are very much an inclusive event to encourage as many student kayaks as possible to come along and have fun surfing as much as hard core competing. We run a friendly format with heats where everyone surfs at least twice and every time you surf it adds points for your university or college so even if you come last in each heat you are increasing your institutions points!”

For more information about courses at Falmouth Marine School please CLICK on the image below or call 01326 310310 and ask for Steve

Thanks Steve ;)


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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Kayaksurf / United Colors of RPF

United Colors of RPF

São as propostas para esta Primavera-Verão! A RPF aposta nas cores fortes com recortes acentuados e tonalidades contrastantes. Ficam seis exemplares do modelo SHARK... escolha um, contacte a RPF e aventure-se nas ondas ;) Em baixo, o mais recente Diamond a sair da RPF.

Check the propposals for this spring/summer collection! The RPF bet in strong colors with contrasting shades and sharp cuts. These are six specimens of SHARK ... choose one, contact RPF and go for the waves;) Below, the most recent Diamond made by RPF.


Diamond by RPF


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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WAVESKI / Coupe de France in Crozon-Morgat / Report by Fred Jonneaux

Waveski / Taça de França / Report da prova deste fim de semana por Fred Jonneaux

All competitors / all photos by Fred Jonneaux

Decorreu este fim de semana em Crozon-Morgat e Fred Jonneaux, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, envia-nos o report completo com tudo o que se passou na prova. Parabéns aos participantes e vamos aos resultados ;)

Took place this weekend in Crozon-Morgat one more event of the Waveski French Cup. Fred Jonneaux, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net, sent us all the news with the main information and photos. Congratulations for all and enjoy the surf report ;)


23 et 24 Avril 2011
Sun and waves, big level,… all we needed !
by Fred Jonneaux

This week end was organized our 1st National Waveski Circuit competition, in Crozon-Morgat (Brittany). Nice sun, good waves, and big level : Virgile Humbert (Junior Worldchampion), Coralie Jousset (France ladies Champion) and a few other top riders were there, between 40 other competitors coming from all west parts of France.
Very good news on the registration : 9 ladies were confirmed for the competition, and around 10 new young riders were there for the first competition !

Waves were supposed to be growing from 1 meter to more than 2 meters, so we started the young and Ladies categories heats , to make sure it would not be too hard for the riders that begin in competition.

In Young category (12 and 13 years old), 3 riders were competing. For 2 of the mit was the first competition, so Baptiste Escola, who competes since last year got the first place. Then came the senior (18 years old and more) category. and the Junior (in France, Junior is for riders of 16 and 17 years old).

Ladies got the final heat at the end of the day, in good waves around 1,50 m. Coralie Jousset (France Ladies Champion) was fighting against Olivia Floch, Elise Gaborit and Emilie Jonneaux. Olivia is back on the competition after a year off. But two years ago, she was on the world top5 in ladies, and tried to make the show on the ladies final. But Coralie was more radical and found better waves. Emilie just try to get a place on the podium, but she begins on the national circuit, and didn’t have enough experience to beat Elise. Next time, maybe…

On Cadet category (14 and 16 years old), Nathan Le Bars was against Maxime Gaborit (European Cadet Champion), Ludovic Sterlin and Timothé Fountaine. Maxime didn’t manage any good wave, Nathan was much better on small conditions and won the final quite easily.

On Sunday, the day started in fat waves around two meters. The Open category started,
and in the middle of the day run the Junior Final, with Mathieu Jonneaux (Watertech Team) against Pablo Arrouays, Tristan Thiery and Louis Darnaud. Mathieu immediatly choose the better waves and realized several radical manoeuvers. Pablo and Louis tried to come back on the score, but Mathieu found some big and long waves, pushing his better surf and won the final.

In Senior category happened something just amazing : during the semi final heat, Pierre Ortega managed to eliminate Virgile Humbert and Clément Guilbert, who are both on the world top 10 !

Mathieu Jonneaux and Pablo Arrouays were both eliminated on the Open semi-final. Ma
The Open final was really difficult : low tide, small and rare waves, the riders were 3 guys from Guadeloupe Island : Maël Divialle, Virgile Humbert, Clément Guilbert, and… Maxime Gaborit (15 years old).

The competition ended in a very good atmosphere, as usual. The National French Waveski circuit will probably be a success before August, because most of the best competitors who will come for the Worlds in Portugal compete now for training. Next National competition in France : May 28th-29th in Siouville (Normandy), (reported dates of the competition that could not ber un on March 5th-6th because of bad conditions)


Podium Open

Open :
1.Maël Divialle (Molem Glisse)
2.Clément Guilbert (Molem Glisse)
3.Maxime Gaborit (Sables d’Olonne)
4.Virgile Humbert (Molem Glisse)

Podium Ondines

Ondine :
1.Coralie Jousset (Sables d’Olonne)
2.Olivia Floch (Sables d’Olonne)
3.Elise Gaborit (Sables d’Olonne)
4.Emilie Jonneaux (Plouhinec)

Podium senior

Senior :
1.Pierre Ortega (Lacanau)
2.Renan Leloutre (Nord Cotentin)
3.Maël Divialle (Molem Glisse)
4.Guillaume Justine (Molem Glisse)

Podium Junior

Junior :
1.Mathieu Jonneaux (Plouhinec)
2.Pablo Arrouays (Lacanau)
3.Louis Darnaud (Sables d’Olonne)
4.Tristan Thiery (Crozon-Morgat)

Podium Cadet

Cadet :
1.Nathan Le Bars (Plouhinec)
2.Maxime Gaborit (Sables d’Olonne)
3.Ludovic Sterlin (Bommes-Lacanau)
4.Timothé Fountaine (Ria d’Etel)

Jeunes :
1.Baptiste Escola (Lacanau)


Emilie Jounneaux


Mathieu Jounneaux


Matt Jonneaux

Thanks Fred ;) Great event!


Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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