Surpreendente como sempre, Malcolm Pearcey (Mega Kayaks) resolveu aventurar-se numa área que não era habitual (até agora) no universo da Mega - falo dos kayaks de águas bravas. Já na última entrevista que Malcolm deu ao, deixava antever que algo de novo iria surgir em 2007. Pois bem, aí está a novidade. O REBEL! Desta vez, não é um surfkayak mas sim, um playboat projectado para brincar nos rolos mais atrevidos e aventurar-se nas descidas menos potentes.
O REBEL vem com banco ajustável, finca-joelhos, finca-pés e, para já, pesa 13 kg mas pode atingir os 6-7 kg (consoante o peso do canoísta). A primeira versão deste REBEL é em carbono mas outras alternativas poderão surgir. Aí estão as primeiras fotos!
According to Malcolm Pearcey (Mega Kayaks) this new REBEL is ready to rumble. Adjustable seat, thigh braces, ratchet b/strap, and if they arrive "happy feet", weight around 13kgs. Malcolm says that "... didn't want to push our luck to start with, but figure 6-7kgs is easily achievable".
In his own words, the introduction of the REBEL:
"And now for something completely different, well for us anyway. And what a response we’ve had on this around the planet, its like, this boat, that boat, like every other playboat, all very amusing to me as their talking about boats ive never even heard of. Of course it looks something like most of them, you don’t set out to reinvent the wheel. “Moving out of our comfort Zone” someone said, well yes , but we’ve never been afraid to do that, after all we did do the boat for the Atlantic crossing.
Will it work, truthfully I don’t know yet, if it does, then great, we’ll carry on and make it, If not, well I think I’m interested enough to keep trying. It’s certainly been a fun week so doing it., and trying some different ideas on outfitting, which we can encorporate into the surf boats.
With luck we will have a couple of them on the water soon and get some 1st impression.
More info as soon as we have some
Now... the pics!
luis pedro abreu